Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wisdom Certificates

This certificate was designed by Gautham Muthukumar and Me. It was given to the members and office bearers of the club.

Wisdom Farewell Collage

This is a collage which I designed and we 'Wissies'( Wisdom Club Members) presented to our senior batch during their Farewell Treat...

Sensors 08

Our design for the Sensors 08 Certificates for the Participants and the members.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Conributions to Sensors'08 Designs

The following were my designs for the ID cards for various committees of Sensors 08, My department's National Level Symposium.

This is the design of the Sensors 08 Poster which all the members of the Design Team made.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Spotted Paari in College of Engineering, Guindy... My classmate in 11th and 12th... Now doing ICE @ St.Josephs College....

Spencers on 25th Jan

Aswin, Venky, Balki n me in Spencer's on 25th Jan... Came here directly from Kurukshetra...

Phase 3

A board in Landmark worth noticing... :-)

Kurukshetra @ Anna University

A few photos took at Kurukshetra08 the Tech Fest of CEG...

A Lecture by Mr.Sridhar Sundaram of Google India... A lecture about the advancement of technology in mobiles...

The Prize winning All-Terrain Vehicle...

Kurukshetra Stalls...

A momunet of Education something- opened by Mr.Kalam... Behind that is the ground where we flew the glider...

A few buildings in the CEG...! The Central Jail...!

Glider @ Kurukshetra 08

Glider designed for the event Aero Modeling in Kurukshetra- the Tech Fest of Anna University...

Anna University
The Glider...!!!!!!

Me and Somu with the Glider

Karthik and Somu with the Glider...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Glider - Construction

The balsa used in the fuselage..

A depth given for seating the wings...

The wing being cut...

The Wing....

The fin...
The fin in the body...

The uncut wing in the body...

Bamboo glued to the balsa for stronger Fuselage...

The wing being Glued to the fuselage...

The wing folded on both ends...

The final Glider....